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220 Voltage and 112 Voltage Output

The EOW-400 is engineered to cater to larger power applications, making it ideal for larger homes, cottages, and small to medium-sized businesses in need of a reliable power source. It's also a perfect fit for microgrid technology, enabling the consolidation of small wind farms for enhanced efficiency.

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Lightweight and Durable: Weighing in at just 575 lbs (depending on generators), the EOW-400 is constructed FROM Composite Materials, the same material used in Marine and Aircraft structures. This ensures durability and longevity.

Helix Blade: Equipped with 2 x 96" helix blades per side, meticulously crafted to capture a full 360 degrees of airflow. Experience a remarkably low wind speed kick-in of only 3-4 mph (1.5-2.0 m/s). Carbon Fiber or E-Glass structural material.


Weather-Resilient: Built to withstand harsh conditions, the system is engineered for areas with maximum wind speeds of 50 m/s, featuring a built-in RPM restriction of 400 RPM at 20 m/s. 

Dual Voltage Output: Capable of delivering both 220 and 112 DC voltage outputs, this turbine offers versatility for various power requirements.

Fully Customizable: Express your style with customizable colors, decals, and special lighting effects

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